Dead Island: A game to die for

Over the years, a cliche of zombie video games spawned due to the popularity of the genre and it has never been the same for the gaming industry to look back and say that it can do without a few of the zombie first-person shooters such as Left 4 Dead . 

Dead Island is no exception, being one of the most anticipated game of the year, the pressure of being a top notch title was on as nearing it's release, a lot of hype was generated with it but did it live up to its expectations? Some might argue that Dead Island falls short on being an excellent game but from a zombie genre stand point of view, I have sincerely felt that it had captured the essence of a zombie game.

Trapped on a tropical island, players explore a rich environment where safety is the least of their concern as they must navigate through zombie infested pathways and perform tasks that involve mutilating the undead without a care. What I personally enjoyed was the detailed world of Dead Island, no place feels the same as players uncover new and interesting areas ranging from a variety of places such as a tropical resort, an underground bunk, an urban city, a sewer and a prison.

However, there are some faults to be picked at such as the lack of a proper story and uninteresting AI, the list goes on but to sum it up, Dead Island is an excellent game at depicting the world of the undead but it is not a perfect masterpiece like every other game, it has its flaws.

For a more detailed review on Dead Island, head to


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